Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finally in Paris!

Hey, all!

Very difficult to navigate on a foreign keyboard, so if there are significant mistakes (especially with a's coming out as q's, m's being commas, and w's), i apologize.

Today I had a flight from MSP to KEF (Rejykavik's airport in Iceland) and then on to Paris. I got into KEF at about 2 AM central time, and didn't get much sleep on the flight. Overall, it was a fairly exhqusting day.

I'm sorry I have no format for this blog at this point. It'z just kind of my random ramblings right now.

Main points: (geez, this keyboard is difficult to get the hang of!)
Iceland looks beautiful and I wanna go whale watching there someday. Plus; the language sounds AWESOME;
Paris has lots of shops with beautiful custom (?) gowns (wedding and formal) in them.  Beautiful!!!
Haven't been out and about in Paris yet.  I figure it's a little lqte in the day to start (it's 8 PM here now), so I'll do more/most of that tomorroz.
Made it safely, didn't get mugged, if nothing else I'll stay in the hostel I paid for now in Paris;
Anyone hqve qny good suggestions for what to do in Paris?  I'm planning on the Louvre; Arc de Triumph for tomorroz... but i have no idea after that:

And noz I will humor you with one story! A lot of the Parisians have been really great about me not speaking French:  I usually walk up to them and say Parlez-vouz angles? and it's fine: but i felt really awkward because i did that at the further out, almost on the bus terminal, and the guy was kind of like; yeah yeah... nice try, American.

Anyway, this keyboard thing got in the way of me using the internet because i couldn't sign on to skype at this internet cafe because i couldn't figure out the equivalent to some of my password characters, and i told the guy i couldn't use it, and we basically argued. I said that it wasn't my fault, and he said it wasn;t his fault.  He let me walk out; waved me by without paying; I maintain I did not use the internet, and so I shouldn't have to pay.  The funny thing is I had my money out at the beginning to pay and he said, no you pay when you're done. He had the chance to take my money for a full half hour, and missed that opportunity.  Anyway, its not really a good story; but i haven't been travelling  that long anyway, so bear with me.

Love you and miss you all!  I'll probably end up reading The Help tonight.

Hoping for better stories soon.


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